
Friday, February 11, 2011

Gossip Girl Round 6

Gossip Girl Round 6
“The rain, the red car, the bubblegum stuck under my sandals. All of these I will let go. The hugs, the kisses, the sweet tune of your voice. I will put those behind me, this is now true. It must have been real, the things we had, but I know for sure they wouldn’t last. So this is my final post about you, my last thought of you. Thanks for making me feel special even just for a short time. Thanks for I have proven that inspiration could make someone feel alive. This is my testimony. And this is now the end.

Ola! S is back!

You’ve always been aware that I’ve been talking about one girl on my gossips. And yet again, heartache was told and yours truly got the privilege to share it to you.
You’ve read that one up there? Yes, you’re right. It was written by her. She told me that she had been delaying this day, the day when she could really let go and tell me the stories. Because telling the tale signifies that it is really the end, that she is now really finally letting go.

According to her, she met him through his sister. They were text mates. At first, she’s not into the set up. What a text mate could do? Where will this lead to? But as the days went by, she had known him bit by bit. They haven’t met, not until a month later of being text mates. And there, she realized that it’s not that hard to like this guy.

They had moments together, moments that she couldn’t easily let go. Because according to her, the things he made her feel and experience were not easy to forget. It was her first time to feel that maybe, there’s this one guy that could actually put down her walls and believe that she could finally fall in love, for real. But no, fate had been cruel once again.  She didn’t know what went wrong. She had just woke up one day and the magic was gone. He had slipped away.

What else is there to do but let him go? How could she stop him because that’s the most selfish act to do? And so she let him. And along the way, she suffered.
But that’s all there was to it. She couldn’t even go into detail. She said that the things they had could only be saved into her memories. But, yeah, it is now the end of her wishful thinking.

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